“Mystery Man” Diary March 1957

Saturday March 2nd
We seemed to get in rather a mess on States. Did not leave the office till 2pm. Got the 2.5. bus home. On the bus up from Tamworth I met Cameron from Wrekin who is doing his National Service at Whittington Barracks. We chatted. Went shooting with Dad & Fred Cole. Dad & Fred each got a pigeon but I had eight or nine shots & got nothing. Mrs Cole has fallen down and broken her wrist.

Sunday March 3rd
Went to see Billie & Nellie in the afternoon. A strange man (a Peeping Tom) has been seen in the wood. Mrs Cole is nervous about him. He went down Percy Holmes’ garden at 11.30 one night & when Percy came out he ran into Hopwas Wood. I gave Coles the pigeon that Dad shot yesterday. I am using the telescope that Grandpa gave me – it’s very powerful. I made a bonfire of dead leaves this afternoon in order to get some ashes to fertilise the garden. Wrote some letters.

Monday March 4th
At lunchtime in Littlewoods I was pestered by an old man who kept asking, “Do you think I’m in much trouble?” He was hankering after me lending him some money but I didn’t bite. I went down to the junk shop on Snow Hill & bought the records “Little Things Mean a Lot,” “High Noon” and “Under the Banner of Victory.” We had some trouble on States & I caught the 7 o/c ‘bus home. I got off at & walked up the Bodnets. I was home at 8 o/c. It’s an eerie walk in the dark – much different from waking from Tamworth.

Tuesday March 5th
I caught the ‘bus from Tamworth this morning. In the lunch hour I went to the junk shop again & bought “Cross Over the Bridge,” “I Get So Lonely,” “Beside the River Clyde,” “You’ve Got Someone on Your Mind,” “Stowaway” & “Open Up Your Heart.” We got in a bit of a mess on States over a bad figure on a B/A form from Weymouth. We had to tick them off & it was the last card but one. I came home on the 5.50 train with Don Stevenson. I had a quiet evening playing records & watched “Gun Law.” Mr Edwards says I can leave at 4.35 tomorrow for the Masonic Ladies Evening.

Wednesday March 6th
I played cards with Graham Austin in the lunch hour – lost 3d. Marmion Ladies Evening at night. Uncle Jimmy was there – he says I can shoot on the island when I like. Mr Lockhart invited me to their next fox-shoot. I sat next to Charlie Bray at the meal. We came away about a quarter to twelve. Dad saw Aston Villa beat Burnley this afternoon.

Thursday March 7th
Played cards again with Graham Austin in the lunch hour – won 2d. I got the 5.5 bus home. I saw the lorry that crashed into the river at Kingsbury. I walked back from Tamworth tonight. Another 6d for my record fund. Dad is going into hospital on Sunday and is being operated on, on Monday. I have told Barbara Hles to ask her sister to go out with me!!!