“Mystery Man” Diary February 1957

Friday February 1st
A busy day. Came home on the 5.50 train. I feel a bit browned off today. Probably the effects of Wednesday’s late night. Still no cheque & also no reply from the N.F.U. A new girl started at the Bank today – she’s 19 & is engaged. Her name is Sandra. I am waiting for Sunday. I watched “Dragnet” on T.V. An uninteresting day.

Saturday February 2nd
A busy morning. Home at 2pm though. I went round Hopwas wood with the gun. There was a lot of shooting going on. I had 2 shots at high pigeons but did not get one. I had a misfire. I was Mr & Mrs White + kids in the wood. Dad took Lance on his own shoot. Shot a pigeon, but mutilated it so it wasn’t worth bringing home. Saw “Shane.”

Sunday February 3rd
Had lift to Tamworth with Archie Biddel & Sam Loughead. Saw Billy & Nellie in the afternoon. Nellie had not had a chat to Di. Said she had looked in Wallbanks but could not see her. I wrote a story about the F.B.I. for the “Tettenhall Observer.” I went down to Grandma’s & hunted amongst the books in the Cromwell Room. Sent Morrell & Co some comics.

Monday February 4th
A very busy day indeed. Saturday’s work would not balance. It did finally though. We finished listing at 5pm & then ‘Others’ and “Country II” were out. Worked till ten minutes to nine, & still hadn’t found it. I got the 9pm train home & got home at 10.30pm. I hope tomorrow will be O.K.

Tuesday February 5th
Quite a busy day. The inspectors say that if the vouchers aren’t put through the recordak properly we shall have to do without it & write the numbers & names in on the batch sheets. I got the 5.50 train, but it was late & I got the 7.15 bus up home, arriving home at 7.30pm. Too late for Mrs Winfields – damn it! I have plans for February 14th though. Watched “Gun Law.”

Wednesday February 6th
We should have finished at 4.30 but didn’t get away until 5.30. I had a letter from Tim Rawsthorne & one from Michael Chapman. Tim says he’s “bloody fed up.” I went up to Murdoch’s in the lunch-hour & got 2 Victor Silvester records, “Paper-Kisses” & “Answer Me.” My “Paper-Kisses” was too worn so I had to get a replacement.

Thursday February 7th
Went to Aston Cross with some cash – came back on the ´bus. Not a lot of work today, but we didn’t finish until 5.30. I got the 6.50 train home & got the 6.45 bus. I bought some more Valentine cards today. I’m just waiting for February 14. Miss Brewster came & gave me a Book-Keeping lesson tonight. I am reading “Aloma of the South Seas.”

Friday February 8th
I did 11 batches today. My record. I got the 5.50 train home. A good “Dragnet” on T.V. I traced a picture of the Saint on the back of one of the Valentine cards. I’m sure I’m going to have some fun on the 14th!!! Dad has discovered that he has got a hernia & will probably be going into hospital in a few weeks. All gloomy about it.

Saturday February 9th
The ´bus was early at Mile Oak this morning, but Dad caught it up O.K. for me in the car. This afternoon I went with the gun down Hopwas Wood. I went down as far as the canal, over the three hills, down on the Goat side by the forrester’s shack. & back by Rookery Nook. Mac smelled a fox but I didn’t see it. Didn’t have a shot. The Dawsons came. I went to see Burt Lancaster in “Trapeze.”

Sunday February 8th
I went to the church & then went to Tamworth with Grandpa. Saw Syd Faulkner & Mr Brammer. Saw Billie & Nellie in afternoon. He told me about old Teddy Cole – when a man wanted 20 gold sovereigns burying with him, Teddy took out the sovereigns & put in a cheque. Went down to Grandma’s after tea. Wrote to Morrell and Rawsthorne.

Monday February 11th
I am back on Local again – damn it! Fly-balanced twice today, though. In the lunch hour I posted the Valentines off to Tim Rawsthorne & Morrell. Morrell will send the rude ones for his sister to post in Southport & Tim will send one to Di Stanton saying that I like her. A fairly quiet day. I got the 5.50 train home. Boy, am I just waiting for February 14th!!!!!

Tuesday February 12th
Did O.K. up at the Local. I bought a 2/3d Valentine card to send to Di Stanton. Dad has got his belt now – says he feel much better. I did not go to Mrs Winfield’s tonight. I did 2 questions of the Geog. paper. I am now waiting for Feb. 14th. I am sending Matron & Duncan Jones a card.

Wednesday February 13th- “Tomorrow is ST. VALENTINE’S DAY”
The Local did not go quite so well today. I sent Valentines to Matron, Duncan-Jones, Chapman, Don & Miss Haw. When I got home I found a packet of Valentines to be posted, sent by the boys at school, so I popped them in our little post box by Trimby’s. Tonight I finished off the Geog. paper. Mum was annoyed at me sending D-Jones a Valentine.

Thursday February 14th
Got away early today. 4.40 train. Dad has got his V-card. He is rather puzzled by the Southport postmark. Buckley & Cooper sent 3 to Dyne & he had to pay postage. Grandma has said nothing about hers but we can tell from her manner that she didn’t like it. Don put his on the fire. Helen Brewster gave me a Book-Keeping lesson tonight.

Friday February 15th
Quite a good day. I told Don on the train tonight that I had sent him that V-card. He said his father had said that whoever sent it might have put it in a clean envelope. I was very lucky with my batches today. 8 balanced out of 8. I had a row with a lorry driver when I informed him there was a halt sign at Fazeley Lane.

Saturday February 16th
I went pigeon-shooting with Fred Cole this afternoon. We went in the hanging wood. Barnes’ nephews were there – they’d got 28 bones & weren’t much use – more of a nuisance. Fred had a shot at a flying pigeon which he claims fell in Wylie’s cabbages. I had about 5 shots – I reckon I pricked one or two, but didn’t get any down. There were plenty about. Stayed at home this evening.

Sunday February 17th
Grandpa had a puncture this morning. I walked on to Tamworth & he caught me up near the Mill. In the afternoon I went to see Billy & Nellie, also Coles. I went down to Grandma’s after tea. In the evening I wrote a school story for “Tettenhall Observer” entitled “The Secret of the Picture” – another story of Wrekin.

Monday February 18th
I brought some of those foreign coins in, that Billy gave me some time ago. Tried a lot of places but they said they were worthless. Then I took them to Thos. Cook & Sons & they gave me 2/7d for the four of them. I just missed the 4.42 today, so I came back by ´bus. Mum was a bit tired & touchy tonight & flared up once or twice. P.S. I’m still on Local.

Tuesday February 19th
Had lunch with Mum & Gran at Lewiss’s. It snowed. I took some more coins to Thos. Cook & Sons. They would only have one & gave me 2/6d for it. We balanced all right tonight & I got the 4.42 train. I went up to Mrs Wright’s tonight. Di & her pals were not there. Bert told me, “Oh, they come up on Mondays & Fridays.” So I shall be there next Friday.

Wednesday February 20th
A peaceful day. Local O.K. I got the 4.42 train again. Today I went to Dale Forty’s & bought a Victor Silvester record, “Out of Town.” Pay Day today. I went to St. Chad’s tonight & went down the Song School. When they said “Goodnight, Drainpipes,” I replied “Goodnight,” & put the light out on them. I am very puzzled about Di. Roll on Friday!!!

Thursday February 21st
Had a bit of trouble with the local concerning a charge to Barclays, Colmore Row. Otherwise we were all right. Fly-balanced. I just missed the 4.42 so got the 4.50 bus. Sam Loughead got on at Erdington & we travelled together. It was too foggy to fetch Miss Brewster so I finished off the English paper instead.