Crabs: The Human Sacrifice

“Crabs: The Human Sacrifice” is the seventh book in the “Crabs” series by Guy N. Smith, published in 1988. This series is known for its blend of horror, suspense, and ecological themes, featuring giant, mutated crabs wreaking havoc on unsuspecting coastal communities.

Plot Summary

When the bloodthirsty crabs are stricken with a devastating cancer, a psychopathic human attempts to aid them, a plan that requires a human sacrifice

Themes and Style

  • Nature’s Revenge: “Crabs: The Human Sacrifice” continues the series’ exploration of nature turning against humanity, with the mutated crabs representing the ecological consequences of human negligence.
  • Myth and Legend: The novel incorporates elements of ancient myths and legends, particularly those involving human sacrifice, adding depth and complexity to the story.
  • Action and Suspense: Like other books in the series, “Crabs: The Human Sacrifice” is characterized by its fast-paced action sequences and suspenseful encounters with the giant crabs, keeping readers on the edge of their seats throughout.


“Crabs: The Human Sacrifice” received generally positive reviews from fans of the series and readers of horror fiction. The novel’s blend of thrilling action, gruesome horror, and mythological intrigue resonated with audiences, making it a standout entry in the “Crabs” series.

Author Background

Guy N. Smith (1939-2020) was a British author known primarily for his horror fiction. With over 100 novels to his name, Smith’s works often feature elements of the supernatural, the macabre, and the grotesque. He gained widespread recognition for his “Crabs” series, which became a cult classic among horror enthusiasts.


“Crabs: The Human Sacrifice” remains a beloved instalment in the “Crabs” series, offering fans of creature-feature horror another thrilling and action-packed adventure. The novel’s enduring popularity speaks to Guy N. Smith’s talent for creating memorable and terrifying tales of ecological terror.