Bamboo Guerillas

“Bamboo Guerillas” is a novel by Guy N. Smith, published in 1977. Unlike many of his more famous works in the horror genre, this book is a war adventure novel set in Southeast Asia. The story reflects Smith’s versatility as a writer, delving into the themes of survival and conflict during wartime.

Plot Summary

As Malaya teetered on the brink of falling to the Japanese, a group of nurses found themselves in the ruthless hands of the notorious Colonel Sika. Known for his sadistic methods, Sika posed a grave threat to their lives, subjecting them to the prospect of brutal torture and potentially a hideous death. The only hope for these captured women lay with ‘Jungle’ Carter and his band of Chinese guerillas.

Carter, a seasoned and resourceful leader, understood the perilous nature of their mission. The hostile jungle was a formidable adversary in its own right, where the oppressive heat and rampant fever claimed nearly as many lives as the relentless combat. The rescue mission would be a desperate and bloody struggle, fraught with danger at every turn.

Navigating through dense foliage and treacherous terrain, Carter and his guerillas faced not only the fierce Japanese forces but also the myriad threats posed by the jungle environment. Poisonous creatures, disease, and the ever-present threat of ambush tested their endurance and resolve.

As they closed in on Sika’s stronghold, the stakes grew higher. The lives of the nurses depended on their ability to outmaneuver and outfight an enemy that had every advantage of terrain and preparedness. Each step closer to their goal meant facing overwhelming odds and the potential for devastating loss.

This gripping tale of courage and survival highlights the resilience and bravery of those who dare to confront evil in its most brutal form. Carter’s relentless determination to save the nurses from a fate worse than death showcases the indomitable human spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity. Readers will be riveted by the intense action, emotional depth, and unyielding suspense that define this harrowing rescue mission in the heart of a wartime jungle.

Themes and Style

  • Survival and Warfare: The novel focuses on the themes of survival and the harsh realities of guerrilla warfare. It portrays the physical and psychological challenges faced by soldiers in combat.
  • Camaraderie and Leadership: Major Davenport’s leadership and the camaraderie among the soldiers are central to the story, highlighting the bonds formed in life-and-death situations.
  • Jungle Environment: The hostile and unforgiving jungle setting plays a crucial role in the narrative, adding to the tension and danger experienced by the characters.


“Bamboo Guerillas” received a mixed reception from readers and critics. Some praised the novel for its intense action sequences and realistic depiction of jungle warfare, while others felt it did not stand out among the numerous war novels of its time. Despite this, fans of Guy N. Smith’s writing appreciated the book for its engaging storytelling and departure from his usual horror themes.

Author Background

Guy N. Smith (1939-2020) was a British author known primarily for his horror fiction. He wrote over 100 novels, encompassing a variety of genres including horror, adventure, and thriller. Smith’s ability to craft compelling narratives across different genres showcased his versatility as a writer.


While “Bamboo Guerillas” may not be as well-known as Smith’s horror novels, it remains a part of his diverse body of work. The novel offers a glimpse into his ability to write action-packed, war-themed stories, providing readers with a different but equally thrilling experience compared to his horror fiction.

Overall, “Bamboo Guerillas” is an engaging war adventure novel that demonstrates Guy N. Smith’s talent for creating intense and suspenseful narratives. The book stands out as an example of his versatility and ability to captivate readers across various genres.